



At Smallwood we view geography as a vital element of our school curriculum and along with history, it serves as a driver for our half-termly topics.


We intend to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people and to equip them with the knowledge about diverse places, resources and natural and human environments, whilst deepening their understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes so they are prepared to live and thrive in the ever-changing world in which we live.


During their studies, the children will develop knowledge and understanding of their local area and beyond which includes the United Kingdom, Europe and The Americas.  As they journey through our school, indoor and outdoor learning will enable them to extend their geographical vocabulary and skills.  They will have opportunities to collect, analyse and present data and use maps, atlases, globes and digital mapping.  With the current and ongoing issues our world is facing, we also educate our children to become compassionate citizens that care about our earth.



How you teach it - your delivery of the above


Our geography curriculum at Smallwood has been designed to be progressive in knowledge and skills so that specific end points can be reached and achieved from EYFS to Y6. At Smallwood our chosen golden threads are; where in the world, landscapes, settlements, our local area, weather/climate and marvelous mapping. These threads run through each year group and form the basis for key enquiry questions within each topic.


Cross curricular outcomes in geography are specifically planned for such as in forest school, during welly walks and as part of computing lessons. Links between geography and reading and writing are strong, allowing children to apply and embed their skills and knowledge in a meaningful context.


Our local area also provides endless opportunities for learning outside of the classroom to achieve the desired outcomes.


In the Summer term every class does a locational study to learn more about the countries and continents beyond Smallwood. There is also a whole-school focus on sustainability and our environment and English texts in Summer 2 are all linked to this theme.



Programme of Study

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

From Asia to Australia!

Oceans and seas

London and the UK

The landscapes that form our world

Hot or Cold?

Asia: India & China

Water, weather and climate

Natural Disasters

The UK: countries, cities & counties

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

The North Pole



Save the planet!


The Americas


Frozen Kingdom: Antarctica

Local Fieldwork/ Globalisation



So what - your evaluations of the above


At Smallwood there will be a consistent approach to the teaching of geography which will engage and inspire pupils to have a love and appreciation of the world we live in. The impact of teaching geography will be seen across the school and will forge important links between home, school, the local area and the wider world. Children will make good or better progress from their starting points and by the end of KS2, will be able to: locate the world’s countries and continents; name and locate cities and counties in the UK including geographical regions and their characteristics; describe and understand key aspects of physical and human geography; compare the similarities and differences between countries across the world; use atlases, maps and digital mapping to locate countries and use fieldwork to observe, measure and record.


This will be measured through a variety of methods such as ongoing summative assessment, questioning, pre and post assessments, quizzes, evidence in books and pupil voice.


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