Oak - Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Lwin

Welcome to Oak Class 

Class Teacher Mrs Lwin : dlwin@smallwood.cheshire.sch.uk 


Welcome to the Autumn term in Oak Class.

Our vehicle text, in English this term is 'The Rhythm of the Rain' by Grahame Baker Smith. We will be writing a setting narrative and an information leaflet. The book is about a boy who goes on a journey to discover the water cycle and the remarkable movement of water across the earth. This links with our learning in Humanities- Geography of water weather and climate. 


In Maths we will be looking at place value and developing the children's understanding of the concept. 

In Science we will exploring food, nutrition and keeping well.We will be identifiying the skeletons and muscles of animals and humans and their use for support, protection and movement. 

PE will be taking place every Friday. Outdoor Adventurous Activities willl be on a Monday. Please ensure that your child has full kit in school for these. 

Forest school will take place with Mrs Darlington every other Thursday. The first session being on the 19th September. 

Files to Download

Oak - Year 3: Calendar items

Ash PE, by Miss Plant

Maple Swimming, by Mr Lewis

Oak Forest School, by Mr Lewis

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