

Art at Smallwood


Why you teach it - your purpose of study

At Smallwood we intend all our children to have an opportunity to develop their skills of drawing, sketching, painting, collage, sculpture and printmaking. Additionally, we aim to enrich their artistic practice by the study of other artists. At Smallwood we deliver an all-inclusive art curriculum, developing an appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts. One that stimulates imagination and creativity. Through a variety of visual, tactile and sensory experiences. This in turn will develop their communication of the elements of colour, texture form and pattern. The children are to explore this through careful observation and appreciation of the world around us. The learning of function and roles of art will allow the children to explore the impact that art has had on the contemporary life, periods and cultures.




What you teach - your programme (s) of study

At Smallwood it is our intent for pupils to produce creative, imaginative pieces, having the opportunity to explore and record their experiences and well as that of others the children are to become confident and proficient in a variety of skills and techniques: such as: drawing, painting, sculpting, and other skills such as collage, printing weaving and patterns. The children will develop knowledge of famous artists, designers and craft makers. To develop interest in art through skills. Knowledge progression and opportunity offers the children chance to question and demonstrate knowledge in this area. The lessons also offer chance to express emotion and enhance their personal, social and emotional development.



How you teach it - your delivery of the above


Our Art curriculum at Smallwood has been designed to be both knowledge-rich and coherently sequenced.  Each year group and key stage focusses on different themes to ensure the continuation of interest as well as acquiring new knowledge. Lessons show progression of skills, developing techniques and proficiency. This includes control of materials using creativity, experimentation and increasing awareness of art and design. Children will develop an understanding of how art and design reflect and shape our history, and the contribution it has to the culture, creativity, and wealth of our nation.



So what - your evaluations of the above


At Smallwood there will be a consistent approach to the teaching of Art. Art and design is loved by teachers and pupils across the school. High expectations and quality evidence are presented in a variety of ways. The children’s work is supported by the exposure and use of technical vocabulary and is encouraged to be used accurately. Pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters skills and processes specified. The children improve their enquiry skills and inquisitiveness about the world and their impact through art and design on the world. The children will grow in confidence and ability to give opinion on their own and others art. A growing competence and perseverance will develop by evaluating and improving their art, design and skills.


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