Elm - Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Matthews

Welcome to Elm Class

This half term our theme in English and shared reading is 'Twisted Fairy Tales' and our book is called 'The Last Wolf'. The children will be using their knowledge and skills to write a hunting narrative as well as a set of instructions in the form of a recipe. 

Our humanities topic is based around the Industrial Revolution with a focus on the silk industry. We have an exciting trip planned to the Silk Museum in Macclesfied at the end of January.
To tie in with our topic, in art we will be looking at the work by artist L.S Lowry as we work on our sketching and shading techniques.

In maths we will be focusing on multiplication and division and in science, Elm will be exploring living things and their habitats.


Forest School

Forest school is every other Wednesday, led by Mrs Darlington. Children should come into school in their forest school clothes and have appropriate footwear with them.


Year 2 will have PE on a Tuesday of week 1 and every Wednesday of week 2. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit and that it is in school all week. This term, ASM will lead Elm's Wednesday PE session.


If you have any questions please get in touch: bmatthews@smallwood.cheshire.sch.uk

Files to Download

Elm - Year 2: Calendar items

Elm Forest School, by Mr Lewis

Maple Swimming, by Mr Lewis

Ash PE, by Miss Plant

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