Beech - Year 5 2024 - 2025

Miss Hallatt

Snow Day Activities 

Morning! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday. Please find the snow day activities for Beech class at the bottom of this page under `Files`. 

                                                                                      Welcome to Beech Class!

Welcome back from Christmas! This half term our topic will be The Tudors! We will be thoroughly exploring this topic throughout History, Art and Shared reading. In English, we will be looking at fairy tales with our class text being `Grimm Tales` by Phillip Pullman. 

In Science this half term, our topic will be Animals, including humans where we will investigate the life cycles and creating, interpreting and presenting data.  

Forest School

Forest school will be every other Thursday and the dates are all on our school calendar. Children must come into school in their forest school clothing and bring their wellies/walking boots in a separate bag. 

For this half term the dates are: 

9th January 

23rd January 

6th February


PE will be every Tuesday afternoon. Children will need to bring in their PE kit at the start of this half term and will be kept in school till the end of the half term. 

We will also try and get outside to complete the golden mile as much as possible. 


If you have any questions, queries please do not hesitate to contact me at

Files to Download

Beech - Year 5: Calendar items

Ash PE, by Miss Plant

Elm PE, by Mrs Matthews

Beech Forest School, by Mr Lewis

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