Ash - Year 1 2024 - 2025

Miss Plant

Welcome to Ash Class

This half term we will be exploring the topic 'Oceans and Seas'. We will be exploring this topic in detail through Geography and English. Our new class text for English is called 'The Secret of Black Rock' and the children will be using their knowledge and skills to write a return story and a postcard. 

The Secret of Black Rock


Our Forest School sessions will be every other Tuesday starting on the 4th March so the children must ensure they come to school in the appropriate clothing.  

PE will be every Monday afternoon, so the children must ensure they have their PE kit in school which is labelled.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, my email is: 



Files to Download

Ash - Year 1: Calendar items

Ash PE, by Miss Plant

Ash Forest School, by Mr Lewis

Maple Swimming, by Mr Lewis

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