Friday 29th September Oak Class

Date: 30th Sep 2017 @ 8:53am

Hello Parents and children of Oak,

We have had another great week in Oak Class. We have really begun to attack our writing this week and the new Talk for Writing scheme that we have adopted is beginning to impact on how the children plan their writing. Ask your child to read the opening paragraph of a book at home and then ask them why they think it is an effective story starter.

In maths this week we have continued with our place value block of work and some of the children are demonstrating a good depth of learning. Please continue to practice times table at home as this underpins the maths that we do in class. 

I have already received some very creative pieces of homework and would like to remind you that the deadline for the first homework challenge is next Friday 6th October. These will be displayed in our classroom and you are always welcome to come and have a look- we are very proud of our classroom in Oak!

FInally I would like to thank the children for their excellent performance in Family Service on Friday - what superstars! The performance was a great team event with the children formulating most of the ideas with support from myself and Mrs Bark-Jones. I think we have set the bar high for the rest of the school.

Enjoy the weekend, Mrs Lightfoot

P.S. don't forget that your parents evening slots go live on Wednesday 4th and children need to come in P.E. kit on Monday and bring their school uniform with them.

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