Willow - Reception 2023 - 2024

Miss Pimblott


Welcome to Willow class 

Our class is made up of 29 wonderful reception children. Our teacher is Miss Pimblott and we are also supported by either Mrs Harper, Miss Williams or Mrs Coxon.

We are always busy bees in reception and we love learning about new topics through listening, exploring and playing.The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is based on seven areas of learning consisting of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World.

This half term we will be exploring the text 'The Storm Whale' by Benji Davies. The children will be writing friendship story sentences and a sea creature poem. Our topic this half term is 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside', we will be looking at seaside holidays (past and present), sea creatures and creating our own seaside town map. It is always fantastic to see what the children are getting up to at home, so please share any exciting home experiences or milestones with us!

The Storm Whale.jpg

Forest School

Forest school will take place every other week starting on Friday 26th April. This is a brilliant outdoor learning session that the children look forward to and enjoy - prepare for MUD! Children must come into school in their forest school clothing and bring their wellies/walking boots in a separate bag.


Our P.E. lessons take place every Monday morning. Please ensure that your child has their P.E. kit in school all week.


Helping your child at home

Reading: Please read regularly at home with your child and our school expectation is to read a minimum of 4 times weekly. Allow your child to listen to you read, as well as listening to them. 

Writing: Use lots of opportunities to write; shopping lists, cooking and baking, writing instructions. Any mark making is valuable to children forming letters.

Maths: When out and about look out for numbers on doors, packets, signs and clocks. At home count when you are laying the table, going upstairs and when playing games. Try making patterns using different natural items such as pine cones and leaves.

Please use your child's diary to communicate any messages to myself and our Willow learning team as they are checked daily. Or alternatively please do not hesitate to get in touch via email (npimblott@smallwood.cheshire.sch.uk) or ClassDojo.

Files to Download

Willow - Reception: Calendar items

Willow Forest School, by Mr Lewis

Willow PE, by Miss Pimblott

Beech PE, by Miss Plant

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